Trimmer for fitting hinges FP114
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Trimmer for fitting hinges

Double isolation
Dust collector connection

Specially designed for cutting mortises for door hinges without using any additional template.
It is equipped with milimetric knob that allows easy adjustment. It can also be used for trimming edges and making slots in wood or plastic materials. It is also possible to cut mortises with templates, using special base with copier, included in standard equipment.
Suitable for working with composite panels (Alucobond® and similar) using routing and folding method (optional 90° and 135° bits).

Standard equipment

Parallel square guide
Base with copier for templates
Bit D.14 Z2
Dust nozzle
Service key

Input power
430 W
No-load speed
Chcuk collet
6 mm
Routing depth
30 mm
Routing depth with head for templates
24 mm
1,5 kg

UCP90 Cutting guide + Holder for routers (Ref. 9045758).
AV93 (Ref. 1900000), AO93 (Ref. 3600000), AM94 (Ref. 3900000) Template holders.
PP19H (Ref. 1900200) Single holder for templates up to 300 mm.
Aspirador AS182K (Ref. 8200100).

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