AngleCopy gives the correct angle when making mittering cutters. Without to take measurements and without to loose time making complicate calculations, AngleCopy is very practice for copying angles different than 90º.
When copying the desired angle with AngleCopy, the cutting guide divides the angle in two, giving the exact position for the miter cut. It is also provided with a small knob to fix the copied angle and to avoid mistakes when transferring the angle to the machine.
Placing the AngleCopy parallel to the piece and cutting with the saw parallel to the angle marked by the cutting guide, a perfect miter cut is obtained. All the process without to take measurements or to make any calculations, obtaining a perfect result in an easy and fast way. And without any possibility to make mistakes. AngleCopy is compatible with all the miter saws for wood or metal of the market.
It is possible to use it for internal or external angles and also can be used to mark the cutting angle on the piece with a pen or a hand saw. Its perfect simmetry allows to mark the cutting on both pieces to be cut.
AngleCopy makes easier several carpentry, building or a lot others jobs. It is specially designed for professional use.